Double‐Stranded nef RNA Interferes with Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Replication

RNA interference (RNAi) has been reported to be post‐transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by approximately 500 nucleotide‐(nt)‐long double‐stranded (ds) RNA that specifically targets homologous sequences of messenger RNA. In this report, we describe inhibition of HIV‐1 transcription by synthetic dsRNAs constructed with mutated nef genes (nef dsRNAs) derived from long‐term non‐progressors (LTNPs) using cotransfection of the target gene‐expressing plasmid and dsRNA. The effects of nef dsRNAs were examined with luciferase (Luc) reporter which is combined with the HIV‐1 (SF2) LTR in persistently HIV‐1‐infected T cell and macrophage cell lines. At 48 hr, a defective nef dsRNA (556 nt) suppressed Luc activity more potently than did SF2 full‐length nef dsRNA (744 nt), suggesting that approximately 500 nt‐long nef dsRNA could interfere with the HIV‐1 transcription.