Mortality Among a Large Cohort of Chemical Manufacturing Employees

Cause-specific mortality was surveyed among 19,608 male employees with 1 or more years of service between 1940 and 1980 at the Texas Operations of Dow Chemical U.S.A. Vital status was ascertained through 1980 for 97.3% of the cohort members, and death certificates were obtained for 96.4% of the 3,444 decedents. Mortality risks were found to vary, depending upon which of 3 population groups (United States, Texas, and local counties) was used for comparison, although significantly fewer than expected deaths from all causes was a common finding due to significant deficits in diabetes, diseases of the circulatory system, and cirrhosis of the liver. Significantly more deaths were from ill-defined conditions and cancers of unspecified sites. Lung cancer was significantly elevated in comparisons with the incidences in the United States and Texas, but not in comparison with those in the local counties. The influence of age at hire, period of hire, duration of employment, interval since entry into cohort, employment status, and two measures of social class—educational level and job category—were explored with the use of the Mantel-Haenszel method as adapted for a cohort study. Findings from these analyses are discussed in relation to the observations of other investigators and in the context of the possible impact of these findings on future studies of this work force.