The energy and intensity of scattered electrons resulting from excitation of the (2s2)S1 and (2s2p)P3 autoionizing states of helium have been measured as a function of incident electron energy. For incident energies only slightly higher than the threshold for (2s2)S1 excitation, post-collision interactions between the scattered and ejected electrons cause the slowly moving scattered electron to lose an amount of energy proportional to Eex1.25±0.05 (where Eex is the energy the scattered electron would have had in the absence of a post-collision interaction). This energy dependence compares well with an energy gain of the ejected electron proportional to Eex1.2, obtained by previous workers. Measurements of the intensity of scattered electrons show that both S1 and P3 total cross sections peak at threshold and have magnitudes about (2.0 and 4.0) × 1020 cm2, respectively, then rise to broad maxima of magnitudes about (2.5 and 5) × 1020 cm2 about 4.0 eV above their thresholds. A subsidiary peak at 59.0 eV in the P3 cross section is attributed to decay of the previously unidentified (2s2p2)S2 He state into the P3 channel. The magnitude, energy, and width of this resonant structure in the P3 channel agrees with theoretical predictions.