Tooth surface loss and exposure to organic and inorganic acid fumes in workplace air

The effect of inorganic and organic acid fumes on teeth was explored in a cross-sectional study using blind dental examinations. A sample of 180 workers from two factories was randomly drawn. Among the 169 workers who participated in the survey, 88 were exposed to acid fumes and 81 were controls. The percentage of inorganic acid workers with tooth surface loss was 63.2%, while that for the controls was 37.7% (P less than 0.005). The corresponding figures in the organic acid company were 50.0% and 14.3% (P less than 0.02). In both companies the acid workers had significantly more often teeth with surface loss in the maxilla than their controls (P less than 0.02). Both anteriors and posteriors were affected. On the basis of the findings. it can be concluded that acid fumes at work are strongly associated with tooth surface loss.