van der Waals and resonance interaction in the quasimolecular system Eu-Sr

The authors outline an asymptotic calculation of adiabatic potential curves for diatomic quasimolecular systems that happens to be quite accurate in the domain of long-range forces, even for atoms with complex electronic configurations. A formula for the molecular oscillator strength expressed via the oscillator strengths of the constituent atoms and the eigenfunctions of the effective Hamiltonian is presented. Quite general theoretical results on the electrostatic interaction within these quasimolecular systems are then applied to a calculation of the dipole-dipole interaction for the quasimolecule Eu-Sr, leading to the adiabatic potentials in the region of interatomic distances larger than approximately 1.0 nm. These results are checked by comparing the quasistatic absorption coefficient for the blue quasistatic wing of the Eu resonance line broadened by the influence of Sr atoms to the experimentally derived profile [K. Niemax, Phys. Rev. Lett. 55. 56 (1985)]. Excellent agreement is obtained. A great influence of the molecular oscillator strengths on the shape of the quasistatic profile is found, so that, in general, the character of the interaction potential could not be judged from log-log plots of the absorption coefficient alone.