Effects of Preemergence Herbicides on Soybean (Glycine max): Weed Competition

Glasshouse experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of preemergence applications of metribuzin, pendimethalin, alachlor, and imazaquin on the competitive relationship between soybean and sicklepod, tall morningglory, or common cocklebur. An equal-ratio series design was employed where the proportion of species in a mixture remained constant and total plant density was varied. The ratio of soybean:sicklepod fresh weights was altered by alachlor and imazaquin while the ratio of soybean:tall morningglory fresh weights was altered only by imazaquin. The ratio of soybean:common cocklebur fresh weights was altered by metribuzin and imazaquin. Increasing herbicide rates resulted in higher soybean:weed fresh weight ratios and higher herbicide response coefficients.