This paper examines a comprehensive, sociological explanation of the increasing recognition and use of alternative therapies-such as acupuncture—by Australian GPs. Noting the 'pragmatic' motives of clinical legitimacy and market demand, this paper goes on to explore the deeper roots of this phenomenon in a widespread cultural shift often termed postmodernisation. In this instance, this development involves a return to and commodification of nature, spirituality, tradition and pre-modern, often non-Western values and practices. These postmodernising trends are compatible with the holistic health values that underpin alternative therapies. The analytic inductive methodology employed involved the collection of data from 60 health care providers from the Brisbane metropolitan region. This paper, however, draws on only part of the data collected to provide empirical evidence of clinical 'postmodern' encounters of biomedically trained GPs (n=17) who employ alternative medicine in their daily practice.