Haemoglobin Bart’s and H in a Swedish Boy

A newborn full-term boy with respiratory distress, edema, enlargement of the liver and spleen, petechial haemorrhages, and minor congenital malformations. Haema-tological investigation showed thrombocytopenia, reticulocytosis, and a great number of circulating nucleated red cells. There was no anemia and no evidence of iso-immunization. Intraerythrocyte inclusion bodies suggested the presence of Hb H, but up to the age of 3 months Hb Bart''s was the only abnormal component found on electro-phoresis. From 3 to 9 months of age both Hb H and Hb Bart''s were demonstrable. After 9 months only Hb H was found. The clinical condition of the infant improved during the first week of life. His mental ievelopment was slow, and at 20 months of age was severely retarded.