Previous kinetic and absorption hybridization experiments had demonstrated that the DNA of the B95-8 strain of Epstein-Barr virus was missing approximately 10% of the DNA sequences present in the DNA of the HR-1 strain (R.F. Pritchett, S.D. Hayward, and E. Kieff, J. Virol. 15:556-569, 1975; B. Sugder, W.C. Summers, and G. Klein, J. Virol. 18:765-775, 1976). The HR-1 strain differs from other laboratory strains, including the B95-8 and W91 strains, and from virus present in throat washings from patients with infectious mononucleosis in its inability to transform lymphocytes into lymphoblasts capable of long-term growth in culture (P. Gerber, Lancet i:1001, 1973; J. Menezes, W. Leibold, and G. Klein, Exp. Cell. Res. 92:478-484, 1975; G. Miller, D. Coope, J. Niederman, and J. Pagano, J. Virol. 18:1071-1080, 1976; G. Miller, J. Robinson, L. Heston, and M. Lipman, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 71:4006-4010, 1974). In the experiments reported here, the restriction enzyme fragments of Epstein-Barr virus DNA which contain sequences which differ among the HR-1, B95-8, and W91 strains have been identified. The DNA of the HR-1, B95-8, and W91 strains each differed in complexity. The sequences previously shown to be missing in the B95-8 strain were contained in the EcoRI-C and -D and Hsu I-E and -N fragments of the HR-1 strain and in the EcoRI-C and Hsu I-D and -E fragments of the W91 strain. The HR-1 strain was missing DNA contained in EcoRI fragments A and J through K and Hsu I fragment B of the B95-8 strain and in the EcoRI-A and Hsu I-B fragments of the W91 strain. The relationship of these data to the linkage map of restriction enzyme fragments of the DNA of the B95-8 and W91 strains (E. Kieff, N. Raab-Traub, D. Given, W. King, A.T. Powell, R. Pritchett, and T. Dambaugh, In F. Rapp and G. de-The, ed., Oncogenesis and Herpesviruses III, in press; D. Given and E. Kieff, submitted for publication) and the possible significance of the data are discussed.