The transient stability of ft synchronous machine connected to an infinite bus ia studied, including the flux decay effect, and voltage regulator action, through Lyapunov-Popov approach. This problem belongs to the general class of systems having multi-argument non-linearities. A systematic procedure to construct a Lyapunov function is evolved by combining a criterion of Dosoer and Wn (1909) and Kalman's construction procedure (1663). The Lyapunov function is then made use of to estimate the critical fault clearing time. The result is compared with that for the case where only flux decay is considered but. voltage regulator action is neglected and the case where both flux decay and voltage regulator action are neglected. The effect of variation of the main parameters of the voltage regulator is also studied and useful conclusions drawn. The Lyapunov function derived in this paper is considered to be superior to those currently available in the literature for this problem.