Oligophrenia Phenylpyruvica II Constancy of the Metabolic Error

The serum level of free phenylal-anine and phenyllactic acid was detd. in 18 patients suffering from phenylpyruvic oligophrenia. No significant amts. of the hydroxy acid were found. The concn. range of the amino acid was between 19 and 38 mg./100 ml. of serum with larger inter-than intra-individual variations. No correlation exists between the degree of mental deficiency and the concn. of phenylalanine in serum. Phenylalanine concn. in the spinal fluid varied from 6.1-8.2 mg./100 cc. It is suggested that although the increased amt. of phenylalanine is caused by the metabolic error, its blood plasma level is detd. by the ability of the kidney tubuli to re-absorb the amino acid.