Cases in which acute disseminated lupus erythematosus has been treated with sulfanilamide have not previously been reported, or at least my search of the literature has failed to reveal any. When sulfanilamide therapy was instituted in the case to be described, the disease was of the fulminating type that usually terminates fatally in from a few hours to a few days. REPORT OF A CASE N. P., a married white woman aged 28, born in Georgia, was referred to me by Dr. Frank Hand on Jan. 5, 1937. At that time typical discoid lupus erythematosus had been present for six years. About twelve atrophic areas, confined to the face, showed varying degrees of activity. The patient had been under the care of several capable dermatologists, and her condition had improved to some extent after the administration of sodium gold thiosulfate and of a bismuth preparation. She then consulted a

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