Influence of formulation properties on droplet spectra and soil residues of aminocarb aerial sprays in conifer forests

The influence of formulation properties on spray droplet spectra and soil residues was studied in conifer forests in New Brunswick following aerial application of two oil‐based aminocarb formulations of variable viscosities and volatilities. For a given volume rate of application, the formulation of low viscosity and high volatility provided a spectrum of small droplets and a low volume deposit on ground cards. For the same volume rate, the nonvolatile formulation of high viscosity provided a spectrum of larger droplets and consequently a higher volume deposit. Both formulations provided low soil residues, although those obtained with the nonvolatile formulation were much higher and persisted for much longer periods than those obtained with the volatile formulation. However, with both formulations the soil residues decayed to undetectable levels (less than 3 ng/g) within 5 days after spraying, indicating that none of the formulations caused any undue persistence of aminocarb in forest soils.