Cortical signatures of noun and verb production

Categories like "noun" and "verb" represent the basic units of grammar in all human languages, and the retrieval of categorical information associated with words is an essential step in the production of grammatical speech. Studies of brain-damaged patients suggest that knowledge of nouns and verbs can be spared or impaired selectively; however, the neuroanatomical correlates of this dissociation are not well understood. We used event-related functional MRI to identify cortical regions that were active when English-speaking subjects produced nouns or verbs in the context of short phrases. Two regions, in the left prefrontal cortex and left superior parietal lobule, were selectively activated for verb trials compared with noun trials; one region in the left inferior temporal lobe was more active during noun production than verb production. We propose that these regions are involved in representing core conceptual properties of nouns and verbs.