Enzyme Polymorphisms of Ideles Populations (Ahaggar, Algeria) and the Iwellemeden Kel Kummer Twaregs (Menaka, Mali)

Surveys dealing with enzyme polymorphisms were recently conducted in the Sahara. Results from 2 populations are reported: 227 inhabitants of Ideles village (Ahaggar, Algeria); 285 nomads of a genetic isolate, the Kel Kummer Twareg tribe (Menaka, Mali). The 4 classical molecular variants of G6PD [glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, EC], A+, A-, B+, B-, are found in Ideles. The frequency of the G6PD A+ Negroid variant reaches 15% in Ideles and 7.7% among the Kel Kummer. However, gene frequencies will have to be recalculated after a study of the genetic transmission through families. The PGDC gene of 6PGD [6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, EC] is especially frequent in the Kel Kummer where 10 "Canning" phenotypes were observed. The PGM [phosphoglucomutase, EC] distribution of alleles at locus 1 in Ideles is the same as in the Mediterranean populations. The pa gene of acid phosphatase, relatively frequent in Ideles, was excluded by drift from the Kel Kummer gene pool. AK [adenylate kinase, EC] and LDH[lactate dehydrogenase, EC] enzymes were also studied in both samples. The abnormal .**GRAPHIC**. mutation of serum pseudocholinesterase exists in Ideles and in the Kel Kummer as in other populations of the Sahara; the C5 [complement component 5] esterase component was revealed by electrophoresis in 5% of the Kel Kummer people.