Managing hypertension: beliefs and responses to medication among cultural groups

Lay beliefs and responses to antihypertensive therapy were examined through tape recorded interviews held with European respondents, who were predominately English and referred to as ‘white’, and people born in the West Indies. Respondents were aged 35–55 years, of manual social class and currently being treated for hypertension by their general practitioner. Nearly one‐half of the respondents identified stress or worry as a cause of their high blood pressure. Possible reasons for this are considered, including their doctors’ explanation of the causes and respondents own understanding of the term ‘hypertension’. Respondents were all aware of the importance of controlling their blood pressure. However, whereas the level of adherence to the prescribed medication was high among white patients, less than half of the West Indians were classified as compliers, with many regularly ‘leaving off’ the drugs. This reflected their particular beliefs and concerns, and was often associated with the use of herbal remedies, forming a continuation of traditional cultural patterns.