Implementation and simulation of a fractal modulation communication system

Recent work has suggested the possibility of using homogenous signals, which can be conveniently represented in terms of orthonormal wavelet basis sets, as the modulating wave- forms in communications systems. In order to research the per- formance of this "fractal modulation", we have developed a simulator and a high-level implementation of a complete trans- ceiver, comprising: transmitter, channel, receiver, and data gen- eration and verification components. Simulation results of this implementation matches the theoretical performance for fractal modulation over a channel with additive white Gaussian noise. 1. Background and Motivation Womell and Oppenheim (1)(2) first proposed fractal modulation as an interesting potential application of dy-homoge- neous signals. Aside from a change in amplitude, this class of signals remains invariant under scaling of the time axis. Dy- homogeneous signals satisfy the dyadic self-similarity property x(t) = 2kHx(2kt), for all integers k and a constant H, termed the

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