Nuclear Level Structure ofNd151

Forty-nine states in Nd151 have been observed between the ground state and 2208 keV utilizing 10-MeV deuterons and the reaction Nd150(d, p)Nd151. The ground-state Q value for this reaction was measured as 3084±15 keV. Absolute cross sections of the proton groups were measured and angular distributions allowed the determination of l values for eight of these groups. The interpretation of the experimental results was based upon the energy systematics in a deformed nucleus and the relative strengths of the (d, p) transitions in a deformed odd-A nucleus. Levels are assigned as belonging to the 52[523], 32[521], ½-[530], and ½-[521] rotational bands. The ½-[521] rotational band is shown to be appreciably mixed with the K2 γ-vibrational bands built on the 52[523] and 32[521] bands. The comparison between the differing ground-state Nilsson orbitals in Nd151, Sm153, and Gd155 suggests increasing deformation in this sequence.

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