Biological testing of antilymphocyte sera and globulin in the baboon

A variety of antilymphocyte sera (ALS) and globulins (ALG) as well as other adjuvant compounds (procytoxide, PCO) were evaluated in 40 adult chacma baboons housed at the Roswell Park Surgical Primate Center. Animals were characterized in terms of human erythrocyte and leukocyte compatibility and then entered into the test evaluation program. Paired animals exchanged first‐ and second‐set skin grafts and subsequently renal allografts with and without therapy. Appropriate interval periods elapsed between each allograft test period. Baboon–goat ALS and human thymus ALG were all significantly effective in prolongation of first‐ and second‐set skin grafts as well as renal allografts. PCO slightly prolonged survival of sensitized renal allograft recipients. Serological (immunochemical) studies, level of peripheral lymphocytes, and prior in vitro tests all failed to correlate with the observed effectiveness of the ALS and ALG preparations noted in the present series of baboons. The baboon thus appears to be a vital as well as valid in vivo model for testing and evaluation of ALS and ALG preparations.