Distribution of Integrin Subunits in Normal Human Kidney

We evaluated on serial sections the distribution of a large number of integrin α and β chains in normal adult human kidney: 1) the β1 chain and its corresponding a subunits (α1, α2, α3, α4, α5, α6), 2) αv and β3 chains, 3) the β2 chain and its corresponding α chains (αX, αM, αL), and 4) the β4 chain. We also evaluated ICAM-1, VCAM and ELAM and the major extracellular matrix components (ECM). A three step immunoperoxidase technique was used on frozen sections. Each cell of the kidney shows a specific distribution of these molecules. The relation with ECM and some of their ligands was evaluated. This immunohistochemical study shows that there is no strict colocalisation of a given ECM component with its specific receptor.