We show that a gauge singlet scalar S, with a coupling to the Higgs doublet of the form λSSSHH and with the S mass entirely generated by the Higgs expectation value, has a thermally generated relic density ΩS0.3 if mS(2.910.5)(ΩS/0.3)1/5(h/0.7)2/5MeV. Remarkably, this is very similar to the range [mS=(6.615.4)η2/3MeV] required in order for the self-interaction (η/4)(SS)2 to account for self-interacting dark matter when η is not much smaller than 1. The corresponding coupling is λS(2.7×10103.6×109)(ΩS/0.3)2/5(h/0.7)4/5, implying that such scalars are very weakly coupled to the standard model sector.

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