Comparison of Dysmorphic Erythrocytes with Other Urinary Sediment Parameters of Renal Bleeding

Dysmorphic erythrocytes have been described in the urine sediment of patients with renal parenchymal bleeding. This study compares the prevalence of dysmorphic erythrocytes in 5,128 urine specimens with blood, erythrocytic, or fibrin casts, proteinuria, and significant numbers of exfoliated renal tubular cells (RTCs). Of the 510 samples containing pathologic casts, 15% had dysmorphic erythrocytes, 60% had proteinuria, 71% had RTCs, and 12% had no other urinalysis abnormality. Of the 186 samples containing dysmorphic erythrocytes, 55% had pathologic casts, 42% had proteinuria, 71% had RTCs, and 13% had no other abnormality. Renal hematuria can best be evaluated by examination of all four of these urinalysis abnormalities rather than using a single entity for diagnosis. Patients with urinalysis evidence of renal hematuria should be evaluated further for renal disease rather than lower urinary tract disorders.