The daily oral adm. of ephedrine sulfate to 4 normal dogs, in daily doses ranging from 2.5-5.0 mg. per kg., caused significant increases in the basal erythrocyte numbers of all of the animals within 10 to 15 days. Two normal and 2 splenectomized rabbits which received 45 mg. of ephedrine sulfate daily by subcut. inj. developed polycythemia with reticulocytosis within 2 wks. The daily inj. of ephedrine into 3 rabbits, which had a marked Co polycythemia, produced further appreciable increases in their erythrocyte numbers. A significant polycythemia was produced in 1 human subject in 2 wks. by the daily ingestion of 50 mg. of ephedrine sulfate. Total leukocyte counts did not increase. The oral adm. of 10 mg. of amphetamine sulfate daily to one splenectomized and 3 normal dogs caused significant increases in their basal erythrocyte counts and Hb % within 12 days.

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