The influence of light on the micropropagation of blackcurrant

Summary The influence was investigated of irradiance on blackcurrant cv Baldwin shoot proliferation and subsequent rooting in vitro. Shoots were cultured under a range of irradiance levels between 0.9 and 28.4 Wm-2 and the rate of proliferation expressed as shoot doubling times (td), was lowest at 0.9 Wm-2 (td = 59.5 d) and rose to a maximum at 18.5 Wm-2 (td =14.8 d). Rooting was influenced by the light level during the proliferation stage of culture as higher light levels increased the time of root emergence. The shoot dry weight at the end of the rooting period was positively correlated with the light level during proliferation and negatively correlated with the time of root emergence.