Enhanced Protoplast Growth at the Interface Between Oxygenated Fluorocarbon Liquid and Aqueous Culture Medium Supplemented with Pluronic F-68

Protoplasts isolated from cell suspensions of albino Petunia hybrida were grown for 10 d at the interface between aqueous culture medium and oxygenated perfluorodecalin. Protoplasts synthesised new cell walls and divided normally at the fluorocarbon/culture medium interface, the mean division frequency of protoplasts being increased by 37% (P<0.05) in this system when the perfluorodecalin was saturated with oxygen prior to use. The mean division frequency of protoplasts was further increased to a maximum of 52% above control (P<0.01) when the medium overlaying the oxygenated perfluorodecalin was supplemented with 0.01% (w/v) of the co-polymer surfactant, Pluronic F-68. These results demonstrate a beneficial and synergistic effect of supplementing protoplast culture systems with oxygenated perfluorodecalin and Pluronic F-68.