This communication describes the different techniques that can be used to evaluate the activity state of factor VII in plasma samples. At the present time direct methods for quantitation of activated factor VII (factor α-VIIa) are not available. Combined methods are therefore used to measure the degree of factor VII activation. These methods can be summarized in the following way: a regular factor VII clotting assay measuring factor VII coagulant activity (factor VIIc) is carried out simultaneously with: (1) a factor VII antigen assay (factor VIIag): (2) a coupled amidolytic factor VII assay (factor Vllam), or (3) a factor VII clotting assay utilizing bovine tissue thromboplastin (VIIbt). The activity state of factor VII can then be calculated from either of the following ratios: f.VIIc/f.VIIag; f.VIIc/f.VIIam, or f.VIIbt/f.VIIc. A study of the potency of a 30-fold activated factor VII to activate factor X in the presence of phospholipids is also included. This experiment demonstrates that even a low factor VII concentration (0.01 U/ml in the coupled amidolytic assay and 0.30 U/ml in the factor VII clotting assay) causes a significant activation of factor X when incubated together in the presence of lipids and calcium ions. Activated factor VII may therefore possess potential thrombotic properties even in the absence of exposed tissue thromboplastin in the blood circulation.