Laryngofissure: Indications and Technique

Laryngofissure is defined in Dorland's dictionary1 as follows: "The operation of opening the larynx by a median incision through the thyroid cartilage with the formation of a wide window: for the removal of cancer of the larynx; median laryngotomy." This operation is an extremely useful and practical tool in the practice of the laryngologist. However, its applicability has certain limitations; if these are disregarded, its use may be hazardous to the continued well-being of the patient. Indications At the Mayo Clinic, we attempt to confine the operation to a few situations. In the treatment of carcinoma of the larynx, we consider that if the lesion is confined to one vocal cord, if it does not extend across the anterior commissure or posterior to the vocal process, and if the vocal cord is not fixed, then laryngofissure may be expected to result in the percentages of five-year cures reported by

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