An attempt has been made to clarify the origin of the supernumerary regenerates of triple legs by transplantations between two species of cockroaches, Gromphadorhina portentosa and Leucophaea maderae. The three ways of combining stump and transplant tissues were: heteropleural, dorso-dorsal, antero-posterior (I); heteropleural, dorso-ventral, anteroanterior (II); homopleural, dorso-ventral, antero-posterior (III). The transplantations have been performed at the level of the tibia as well as at the level of the coxa. (1) The supernumerary regenerates were partly mixed, i.e were composed of a mosaic of the tissues of both species of cockroach, partly homogeneously built up by the tissues of only one of the two species. In combination I nearly all regenerates were mixed; in the other two combinations homogeneous regenerates were relatively numerous, sometimes even the most numerous. Both supernumerary regenerates of a triple leg might be mixed; or one was homogeneous and the second mixed; or they were both homogeneous. In the latter case one regenerate was built up by Gromphadorhina tissues, the other by Leucophaea tissues, or, more rarely, both were built by up Gromphadorhina tissues. (2) The intraspecific transplantations simultaneously done in Leucophaea gave results which correspond in general with the results of the interspecific transplantations. (3) From the composition of the supernumerary regenerates it must be concluded that the four different properties of a cross-section (anterior, posterior, etc.) are not yet determined irreversibly in the tissues of the cockroach legs. Thus, missing properties may be completed by the other properties to give an entire cross-section.