Intraventricular Perineurioma: Case Report

Perineurioma, a rare benign nerve sheath neoplasm occurring in either an intraneural or soft tissue form, has never been reported to arise in the central nervous system. We describe the clinical, radiological, and pathological features of a perineurioma arising in the choroid plexus of the third ventricle in a 65-year-old woman and causing obstructive hydrocephalus. The lesion, apparently unassociated with a nerve, was gross totally resected by frontal craniotomy using a left-sided transcallosal approach. Short-term follow-up showed no evidence of recurrence. Perineurioma of the variety found in soft tissue may occur in the central nervous system, wherein it shows the typical light microscopic, immunohistochemical (epithelial membrane antigen- and Collagen IV-positive, S-100 protein-negative), and ultrastructural (pinocytotic vesicles, discontinuous basement membrane) features.