Electronic transport properties ofK3C60films

We report the longitudinal resistivity and Hall-effect data of thin films of K3 C60 in the normal and superconducting states in magnetic fields up to 12.5 T. The resistivity is 2.5 mΩ cm at room temperature and near the metal-to-insulator transition. The Hall coefficient is small as expected for a half-filled conduction band, and changes sign at 220 K. The resistivity is interpreted in terms of the granularity of the film which leads to zero-dimensional superconductivity in these systems with a length scale of 70 Å. We find a superconducting coherence length of ∼26 Å, which we interpret as a single-grain property. The Pippard coherence length, i.e., in the absence of granularity, is estimated to be ∼150 Å.