Effect of anions on amiloride-sensitive, active sodium transport across rabbit colon,in Vitro

Replacement of Cl in the solutions bathing partial mucosal strips of rabbit descending colon with sulfate, isethionate, hydroxypropane-sulfonate and, to a lesser degree, ethanesulfonate stimulates active Na absorption (J net Na ) when the baso-lateral pump mechanism is not saturated. These effects are rapid in onset and are readily reversible. Our findings indicate that these stimulatory anions decrease the resistance of the amiloridesensitive Na entry step at the mucosal membrane (R Na m ). However, when the active Na pump mechanism at the baso-lateral membrane is saturated these stimulatory anions do not decrease the resistance of the Na entry process. These findings suggest the presence of a negative feedback between the activity of the pump mechanism and the resistance of the Na entry step which may be mediated by the size of the intracellular Na transport pool. In other words, it seems that when the baso-lateral pump is operating at its maximal rate the resistance to Na entry across the mucosal membrane through the amiloride-sensitive pathway is at a minimum and cannot be further decreased.