Electronic spectra and Zeeman effect of ruthenium phthalocyanine in Shpol'skii matrices

Electronic and Zeeman spectral properties of ruthenium phthalocyanine (RuPc) in a 4·2 K single-component solvent (n-octane) were investigated. The dynamic properties of the singlet and triplet states were studied at various low temperatures. The results show that both spectral and dynamic characteristics of the ligand-complexed RuPc are very similar to those of PdPc, although the latter required mixed-solvent matrices. The study also addressed the question of the role in ligands in the Pc complexes as well as that of the carrier solvent in the Shpol'skii matrices. Both, Zeeman as well as field free spectroscopy, show that RuPc and PdPc have comparable but different spin-orbit coupling strengths which are consistent with the respective intersystem crossing rates and the zero field splittings of the triplet states.