Z0decay into two gluons and a photon for massive quarks

We have determined the decay rates for the rare decays Z0ggγ (ggg) including quark masses. We find a coherence effect in the amplitude for these processes which is sensitive to the top-quark mass. Inclusion of a top-quark mass of mt=20 GeV decreases the rate for Z0ggγ by a factor of 2 and enhances the rate for Z0ggg by a factor of 3. The branching ratios are Γ(Z0ggγ)Γ0=1.8×106 and Γ(Z0ggγ)Γ0>0.8×1052, where the latter is a lower bound since the axial-vector contribution has yet to be computed, and Γ0 is the total hadronic decay width.

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