Commensurate Peierls transition in a quasi-one-dimensional compound: The bromide salt of tetrathiafulvalene (TTF)

The x-ray crystal structure of the bromide salt of tetrathiafulvalene (TTF)-Br0.79 shows incommensurate cation and anion sublattices, with a static modulation of each stack at the periodicity of the opposing stack. If the on-site Coulomb interactions were very small compared with the bandwidth, this modulation would induce an energy gap at twice the Fermi wave vector and hence a commensurate Peierls transition would be possible. If the Coulomb interactions were very large, (TTF)-Brx would be a room-temperature semiconductor. Transport, magnetic, thermal, and optical measurements are presented, which indicate that the Coulomb interactions are not very large compared with the bandwidth, estimated at 4t1.1 eV. Hence, the system can be viewed as undergoing a commensurate Peierls transition at ∼ 170 K.