Phase Relations in the AuCu1-yAgy and Au(Cu1-yAgy)3 Ternary Systems

The phase relations in the ternary systems AuCu1-y Ag y and Au(Cu1-y Ag y )3 have been studied by X-ray diffraction and differential thermal analysis. In AuCu1-y Ag y , the phase diagram obtained showed considerably complex features at low temperatures between 683 and 573 K, with eight different regions: three single-phase regions; α(disorder A1), β(order L10) and γ(order L10–S); four two-phase regions, α1(Cu-rich A1)+ α2(Ag-rich A1), β+α2, γ+α1 and γ+α2; and one three-phase region, γ+α12. The phase boundaries of three pairs of regions, α12 and α, β+α2 and α, and γ+α2 and α, were determined by measuring the lattice parameters. In Au(Cu1-y Ag y )3, two single-phase regions, α and α' (order L12); and two two-phase regions, α12 and α'+α2, were found, and the corresponding phase boundaries were determined.