Published in Petroleum Transactions, AIME, Volume 217, 1959, pages 1–8. This paper presents results of an experimental investigation of factors that control the efficiency with which oil is displaced from porous media by a miscible fluid. The study was made to elucidate the relevant processes both on microscopic level (within individual or between neighboring pore spaces) and on macroscopic level (within a large sand body). Mixing of miscible fluids on the microscopic level was studied in sand-packed tubes. It was found that molecular diffusion is the dominant dispersion mechanism for reservoir conditions of rate, length and pore sizes. Macroscopic channeling was studied for various mobility ratios in reservoir models-scaled to relate viscous gravitational, and diffusional forces. The formation of channels was due to viscous fingering, gravity segregation and variations in permeability. With adverse mobility ratios, it was found for reservoirs of realistic widths that diffusion will not be effective in preventing the formation and growth of fingers, even in homogeneous sands. At sufficiently low rates channeling was eliminated by gravity segregation in tilted reservoirs. The dependence of recovery on mobility ratio, length-to-width ratio, flow rate and angle of dip is presented. Introduction: Oil recovery by solvent flooding is finding increasing application in the field. while the process promises high recoveries from the region swept by solvent, under adverse conditions only a small fraction of the reservoir volume may be swept at the time solvent breaks through to the producing well. Further, the high cost of the solvent encourages its use only as a bank whose size must be kept at a minimum. Thus, two important questions arise:what fraction of the reservoir can be swept, practically, by solvent? andwhat is the minimum size solvent bank that can be used to carry out the displacement? The answers to these questions require knowledge of both macroscopic channeling processes and microscopic mixing processes. The studies described here were carried out to gain this knowledge. Microscopic mechanisms which cause mixing will be discussed first, because an understanding of these mechanisms is necessary for proper interpretation of the experimental work on channeling described later.