Periodontal Conditions Following Treatment With Distally Extending Cantilever Bridges or Removable Partial Dentures in Elderly Patients. A 5‐Year Study

The aim of the present study was to evaluate the periodontal conditions following treatment with distally extending cantilever bridges or removable partial dentures (RPDs) in elderly patients. All participants had a complete denture in the maxilla and moderate-to-advanced bone loss around the teeth present in the mandible. After undergoing periodontal treatment, 27 patients were treated with distally extending cantilever bridges and 25 patients with a RPD. During the first 2 years following prosthetic treatment, the patients were recalled twice a year and during the last 3 years once a year for oral prophylaxis and assessment of the periodontal status. The patients treated with a RPD showed higher mean Plaque and Gingival Indexes than the patients treated with cantilever bridges. No change in probing pocket depths was observed in either group, and only a small decrease in radiographic alveolar bone height was revealed. In conclusion, only minor changes in the periodontal conditions were recorded during the 5 years of observation after treatment with cantilever bridges of RPDs.