Coadaptation ofDrosophila and yeasts in their natural habitat

The mutualistic interactions of cactophilicDrosophila and their associated yeasts in the Sonoran Desert are studied as a system which has evolved within the framework of their host cactus stem chemistry. Because theDrosophila-yeast system is saphrophytic, their responses are not thought to directly influence the evolution of the host. Host cactus stem chemistry appears to play an important role in determining where cactophilicDrosophila breed and feed. Several chemicals have been identified as being important. These include sterols and alkaloids of senita as well as fatty acids and sterol diols of agria and organpipe cactus. Cactus chemistry appears to have a limited role in directly determining the distribution of cactus-specific yeasts. Those effects which are known are due to unusual lipids of organpipe cactus and triterpene glycosides of agria and organpipe cactus.Drosophilayeast interactions are viewed as mutualistic and can take the form of (1) benefits to theDrosophila by either direct nutritional gains or by detoxification of harmful chemicals produced during decay of the host stem tissue and (2) benefits to the yeast in the form of increased likelihood of transmission to new habitats. Experiments on yeast-yeast interactions in decaying agria cactus provide evidence that the yeast community is coadapted. This coadaptation among yeasts occurs in two manners: (1) mutualistic increases in growth rates (which are independent of the presence ofDrosophila larvae) and (2) stabilizing competitive interactions when growth reaches carrying capacity. This latter form is dependent on larval activity and results in benefits to the larvae present. In this sense, the coadapted yeast community is probably also coadapted with respect to itsDrosophila vector.