Oxygen exchange reactions catalyzed by vacuolar H+‐translocating pyrophosphatase Evidence for reversible formation of enzyme‐bound pyrophosphate

Vacuolar membrane‐derived vesicles isolated from Vigna radiata catalyze oxygen exchange between medium phosphate and water. On the basis of the inhibitor sensitivity and cation requirements of the exchange activity, it is almost exclusively attributable to the vacuolar H+‐pyrophosphatase (V‐PPase). The invariance of the partition coefficient and the results of kinetic modeling indicate that exchange proceeds via a single reaction pathway and results from the reversal of enzyme‐bound pyrophosphate synthesis. Comparison of the exchange reactions catalyzed by V‐PPase and soluble PPases suggests that the two classes of enzyme mediate Pi–HOH exchange by the same mechanism and that the intrinsic reversibility of the V‐PPase is no greater than that of soluble PPases.