Holoprosencephaly in human embryos: Epidemiologic studies of 150 cases

One hundred fifty embryos with holoprosencephaly were found among the total of 36,380 conceptuses obtained through induced abortion in the period from 1962 to 1974, giving an overall incidence of 0.4%. The occurrence was largely at random through time, and no “epidemic” was noted in particular years or months, but there appeared more cases derived from conceptions in winter than in summer months. The mean maternal age did not differ significantly from that of the general embryonic population, indicating that, although none of our cases were karyotyped, chromosome aberrations such as trisomies 13 and 18 that are closely associated with maternal age may not constitute a major part as causes of holoprosencephaly in human embryos. Maternal age did not differ by the presence or absence of associated external anomalies. No association was found with paternal age, parental consanguinity nor with maternal medical history, including irregularity of menstrual cycles, and smoking and drinking habits. There was an indication that the mothers were prone to have repeated miscarriages, supporting the view that some kind of maternal predisposition is responsible for the causation of holoprosencephaly. Argument was made that, apart from various chromosome aberrations well documented as causes of this malformation, polygenic mechanism probably accounts for the majority of the cases with normal karyotype.

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