Site tenacity and nomadism in Tengmalm's owl (Aegolius funereus (L.)) in relation to cyclic food production

In northern Sweden breeding males of Tengmalm's owls (Aegolius funereus (L.)) were site tenacious during and between the peaks of the vole (staple food) cycles, but females only during the peaks. Most of these adults shifted nest boxes between successive years. They selected nest boxes randomly in a radius of 3 km. Juveniles, in contrast to site tenacious adults, dispersed outside their natal area. The females moved longer than the males prior to their first breeding. Five adult females were found to be nomadic. One of these nomadic females previously bred site tenaciously as long as food was abundant. Juveniles and adult males were not found to be nomadic. Emigration of adult females and juveniles occurred most frequently when vole populations declined. The breeding population increased sharply and received immigrants suggesting that nomadism may be essential in the population dynamics. Site tenacity and nomadism are discussed in terms of costbenefit to males and females, respectively. Emphasis is on the main functional roles of males (feeding femle and young) and females (incubation).