Increased luminol enhanced chemi‐luminescence from peripheral granulocytes in juvenile periodontitis

Granulocyte function in patients with juvenile periodontitis (JP) (8 men and 6 women, aged 13-33 yr) and sex range matched controls was determined by the luminol enhanced chemiluminescence (CL) induced by opsonized and unopsonized bacteria [Staphylococcus aureus] or latex beads. Maximal CL induced by latex beads with or without autologous serum did not differ between the 2 groups. However, bacteria with or without autologus serum seemed to induce a higher maximal CL in the JP group. The difference was statistically significant for the results obtained with opsonized bacteria. Serum opsonized bacteria induced a much higher maximal CL than the unopsonized. The opsonin dependent reaction indicates a close association with the process of phagocytosis. The increased CL of granulocytes in JP could indicate the formation of extracellularly free oxygen radicals with the potential to damage tissue. A possible involvement of the granulocytes in the pathogenesis of JP was supported.