Polyamine contents, ethylene synthesis, and BrACO2 expression during turnip germination

Contents of total free [PA(S)] and conjugated polyamines [PA(SH), PA(PH)] were higher in turnip (Brassica rapa L. cv. Rapa) seeds during imbibition (0–36 h) and radicle protrusion (36–48 h) than during the further growth (10 d). Ethylene production was activated with the protrusion, reaching a maximum at the second day of germination and dropping afterwards. The application of ethrel accelerated radicle emergence but the direct intervention of ethylene in the breaking of the seed coat was not clear from the use of ethylene-biosynthesis inhibitors (CoCl2 and AVG). Finally, in this work the gene BrACO2 was characterized. Although its expression was not detected in seeds through zygotic embryogenesis, it increased concomitantly with the germination process.