1. In the neurogenic heart of the isopod crustacean Porcellio dilatatus, external K+ removal depolarized the membrane (K0 effect) whereas subsequent restoration of K+ resulted in a rapid hyperpolarization (K1 effect). 2. The amplitude of the K1 effect depended on the duration of the prior K+ deprivation and on the subsequent K+ concentration. 3. The membrane resistance slightly increased during the K0 effect; during the K1 effect, it only returned to its control value. 4. Ouabain, cooling and replacement of external Na+ by Li+ also produced depolarization. 5. The K1 effect was suppressed by ouabain and markedly depressed by lowering the temperature to 4–6 degrees C. It was abolished if Li+ replaced Na+ during the prior privation of K+; moreover Li+ was unable to act as a substitute for external K+ in generating the K1 effect if used at equivalent concentration, but enhanced the effect at high concentration. 6. The findings are consistent with the presence of an electrogenic sodium pump in the myocardium of Porcellio contributing to the resting membrane potential. 7. Changes in the spontaneous rhythm observed during K0 and K1 are further suggestive of the presence of an electrogenic Na+ pump in the pacemaker neurons of the cardiac ganglion. Another explanation is also proposed. 8. The magnitude of the spontaneous contractions of the heart was increased during the K0 effect and markedly decreased during the K1 effect. An indirect effect of the changes in internal Na+ concentration on the contractile processes is suggested.