Angle-resolved photoelectron cross section of CF4

Partial photoelectron cross sections σ and angular distribution parameters β were obtained for the first five valence orbitals in CF4: 1t1, 4t2, 1e, 3t2, and 4a1, as a function of photon energy from 17 to 70 eV. These data were taken with the aid of angle‐resolved photoelectron spectroscopy and synchrotron radiation. The results were compared with earlier data on CCl4. Substantial differences were found. These are explained partly in terms of the absence of a Cooper minimum with a fluorine compound as opposed to the presence of a Cooper minimum with chlorine compounds and partly in terms of the position of shape resonances. Data on CF4 were also compared with recent calculations of Stephens et al., who used the multiple‐scattering Xα method. Structure in the photoelectron spectrum of CF4 lying on the low energy side of the third band was identified as due to autoionization and evidence is given as to its specific nature.