Scanning Transmission Electron microscope Studies of Deep-Frozen Unfixed Muscle Correlated with Spatial Localization of Intracellular Elements by Fluorescent X-Ray Analysis

Thin sections of deep-frozen unfixed muscle were studied in a scanning electron microscope modified for transmission imaging and equipped with a "cryostage" for vacuum compatibility of hydrated tissue. With an energy-dispersive x-ray analysis system, intracellular atomic species in the scan beam path were identified by their fluorescent x-rays and spatially localized in correlation with the electron optical image of the microstructure. Marked differences are noted between the ultrastructure of deep-frozen hydrated muscle and that of fixed dehydrated muscle. In frozen muscle, myofibrils appear to be composed of previously undescribed longitudinal structures between 400-1000 A wide ("macromyofilaments"). The usual myofilaments, mitochondria, and sarcoplasmic reticulum were not seen unless the tissue was "fixed" before examination. Fluorescent x-ray analysis of the spatial location of constituent elements clearly identified all elements heavier than Na. Intracellular Cl was relatively higher than expected.