Cross-linking and chymotryptic digestion of the extractoplasmic domain of the anion exchange channel in intact human erythrocytes

We have applied our new high yield, membraneimpermeant, protein cross-linking reagents (J.V. Staros, 1982.Biochemistry 21:3950–3955) together with chymotryptic digestion of the surface of intact erythrocytes (T.L. Steck, B. Ramos, and E. Strapazon, 1976.Biochemistry 15:1154–1161) in an investigation of the topology of the extracytoplasmic domain of the anion exchange channel of intact human erythrocytes. In intact erythrocytes, these cross-linking reagents have been shown to cross-link subunits of the anion exchange channel to dimers in the extracytoplasmic domain of the protein. Chymotryptic treatment of intact erythrocytes has been shown to cleave subunits of the anion exchange channel into two fragments of distinctM r. Sequential treatment of intact erythrocytes with either of two membrane-impermeant cross-linkers, followed by digestion with chymotrypsin, yields chymotryptic fragments of the anion exchange channel cross-linked to one another. The cross-linked products observed appear to arise by cross-linking of unlike chymotryptic fragments, whether the cross-links are intersubunit or intrasubunit. These results are consistent with a model of the anion exchange channel in which the subunits form a head-to-head dimer with a twofold center of symmetry perpendicular to the plane of the membrane.