Detailed measurements of the response of an rf SQUID in the regime LIc< Φ0/2π

Using a superconducting ring containing a Nb point contact inductively coupled to a resonant circuit fed with an rf current source, (typical rf SQUID configuration) we have measured the tank voltage as a function of frequency in the regimeLI_{c}< \Phi_{0}/2\pi. ForLI_{c} \ll \Phi_{0}/2\pi, the curves of tank voltage versus drive current for various values of external flux\Phi_{x}through the ring agree with the calculations of Hansma. For higher critical currents, there is an asymmetry in these curves for frequencies above and below ω0, the resonant frequency of the circuit. Calculations using an expanded theory including the effects of a conductanceG_{o}(1+\alpha \cos \phi)and of screening flux give good agreement with the data. In principle α can be determined from these measurements, however the\cos \phiterm and the screening flux produce qualitatively similar effects. A quantitative determination of α requires a precise knowledge of Go/Ic. Using values of Goand Icfrom independent impedance measurements, the data yield a negative value of α in agreement with another experiment.