Implementation of self-healing function in ATM networks based on virtual path concept

This paper proposes an implementation scheme for the self-healing function in ATM networks and assesses its performance. First, our proposed ATM self-healing scheme is described. This scheme realizes more rapid restoration of failed virtual paths than other self-healing algorithms, supports the node failure case, and minimizes the spare resources required. Next, an implementation scheme is proposed. We propose that the self-healing function be implemented as a software process, and that OAM cells are utilized for fast message transmission. Next, results of a prototype system that we implemented on an ATM cross-connect system are discussed. The fundamental characteristics of restoration performance are measured using an experimental network. Based on these results, an NE processing system analysis and computer simulation for estimating the characteristics as applied to a real-scale network are discussed. Finally, a management scheme for self-healing is proposed based on the TMN concept.

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