Quantitative tests of mixed crystal exciton theory. II. Energy denominator study of naphthalene 1B2u resonance pairs

A spectroscopic absorption study is presented of 1‐D1C10H7, 2‐D1C10H7, and 1,4‐D2C10H7 resonance pairs in C10D8, over a concentration range of 0.009% to 5% mole, at 2 °K, with a resolution of 0.5 cm−1. The resulting structure is interpreted in terms of the pairwise exciton exchange interactions, M1/2(a+b), Ma, Mb, Mc, Ma+c, and M1/2(a+b)+c. The energy denominator dependence is interpreted in terms of both exciton quasiresonance and exciton superexchange. The three parameter sets derived by Hong and Kopelman to fit earlier data on neat and isotopic mixed crystals are corroborated by this study, as they were in our previous study on monomers (I). However, it was not possible to narrow down completely the choice of parameters. A discussion is given on the feasibility of deriving a unique dispersion relation (and Green’s function) for the first naphthalene singlet exciton and on its likely precision